-A large number of records are included in a wide range of categories, from English words to practical English phrases that can be used in everyday conversation!n・ You can easily learn listening and speaking from children to adults!
アプリも英語の問題も完全無料!追加料金もありません。0円で英語学習!・英単語から日常会話で使える実用的な英語フレーズまで 幅広いカテゴリで多数収録!・アプリを使って、気軽に楽しく発音チェック・子供から大人までリスニングとスピーキングが手軽に学べます!■ 発音チェックができる英語学習アプリ登場!読み書きはできても、英語の発音はなかなか難しいですよね。「英語発音ドリルAtoZ」なら、どこでもカンタンにスピーキングが練習できます!おやすみの前や受験勉強の息抜きなどで気軽に学べます。お手本音声が流れるので、発音と同時にリスニングの力も向上します。■ お手本との比較機能!自分の発音を聞くことができます。お手本の発音と自分の発音を聴き比べてみましょう。さらに、お手本と自分の音声波形も表示されます。単語ごとに区切って判定され、どこがずれているか一目でわかるのでスムーズに発音の練習ができます。■レベル別だから子どもから大人まで楽しめる!自由にレベルを選べるので、あなたの実力にあった難易度で学べます。・英語を習ったことがないお子様・中学生・高校生・大学生・英語からしばらく離れている大人年齢を選ばず、しっかり学べるようになっています。■クイズ形式で楽しく学べます!発音は点数で評価されます。クイズ感覚で楽しく発音を身につけましょう。目指せ、全問正解!<利用規約>http://mintflag.com/atoz-terms/The app and English problems are completely free!There is no additional charge. Learn English for 0 yen!-A large number of records in a wide range of categories, from English words to practical English phrases that can be used in everyday conversation!・ Easy and fun pronunciation check using the app・ You can easily learn listening and speaking from children to adults!■ An English learning app that allows you to check pronunciation!You can read and write, but its quite difficult to pronounce English.With "English Pronunciation Drill AtoZ", you can easily practice speaking anywhere!You can easily learn before going to bed or taking a break from studying for entrance exams.Since the model voice is played, the listening ability is improved at the same time as the pronunciation.■ Comparison function with a model!You can hear your pronunciation.Lets compare the pronunciation of the model with your own pronunciation.In addition, a model and your own voice waveform are also displayed.It is judged by separating each word, so you can see at a glance what is out of alignment.You can practice pronunciation smoothly.■ Because it is by level, you can enjoy it from children to adults!Since you can freely choose the level, you can learn with the difficulty level that suits your ability.・ Children who have never learned English・ Junior high school students, high school students, college students・ Adults who are away from English for a whileYou can study well regardless of age.■ You can enjoy learning in a quiz format!Pronunciation is evaluated by points.Lets learn pronunciation happily like a quiz.Aim, all questions are correct!http://mintflag.com/atoz-terms/軽微な不具合を修正しました